As an ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation assessor and as a consultant, I see recurring non-conformity areas with which many labs seem to struggle. What are these areas?
Areas of Recurring Non-Conformities and the Metrology Handbook, 3rd Edition Chapters:
Documenting and Validating Calibration Procedures Chapter 5
Ensuring Metrological Traceability Chapters 9 & 11
Training & Competency Chapter 15
Software & Software Validation Chapter 18
Understanding and Applying Specifications Chapter 21
Uncertainty in Measurement Chapter 29
Measurement Risk and Decision Rules Chapter 30
Managing a Metrology Department or Calibration Lab Chapters 39 - 44
Sometimes these non-conformities are from just not knowing what and how to address these areas. One can search the internet for solutions and can find a multitude of answers. How do you know whom and what to trust?
The ASQ Metrology Handbooks have long been considered THE go-to metrology reference. Why? Because the ASQ Metrology Handbook, 3rd Edition is an all-in-one, comprehensive, peer-reviewed, quality system and metrology reference that can deliver "Pain Relief for Measurement Headaches".