On-Demand Webinars & Video Resources
On-Demand Webinars & Podcasts

Heather A Wade featured on Metrology Learning Network's Metrology Today Podcast S3E5
Watch the YouTube video and read the accompanying transcript of the insightful discussion between Heather, Henry Zumbrun, and Ryan Egbert.
Learn how the ASQ Metrology Handbook, 3rd Edition was updated, how Heather got into metrology, latest topics in metrology, and learn the latest and full-groan dad jokes.

GxP-Compliant calibration: learning from form 483s and warning letters
Paul Daniel, VAISALA
Heather A Wade
"In this webinar we briefly outline the practices, processes and regulations governing calibration in GxP-regulated applications. We also analyze several calibration-related Form 483s and Warning Letters issued over the last few years in a range of regulated industries (Drugs, Medical Devices, Nutraceuticals, and Cosmetics). Each Form 483 and Warning Letter is a cautionary tale for those calibrating instruments and devices for use in federally regulated applications."

Heather A Wade featured on Quality Magazine Q-Cast Podcast
Heather Wade offers a preview of her workshop entitled “The 3 Rs of Calibration; Reading, Writing, and Reviewing Accreditation Scopes, Service Requests and Calibration Certificates.” In the more than 100 presentations she’s given – from Toledo to Shanghai – Heather Wade has offered practical and well-received information on metrology. Her workshop on Tuesday, April 15, 2025, in Nashville will explain:
How to search for appropriate calibration vendors and understanding scopes of accreditation
What to communicate to calibration vendors so you get what you need the first time
How to read and interpret calibration certificates and use the data to reduce your risks and ensure better measurements.